Open Air Schools – Since 2020

The Open Air School concept started for two basic reasons.

  1. To provide basic literacy to children in the remotest villages of India.
  2. And equally important was to keep these kids occupied and busy in a positive way to stop them from taking up any harmful activities or becoming a nuisance to their community.

These villages are difficult to reach, and the villagers live in extreme poverty.

Their families can barely afford 2 meals a day. To send their children to school is unimaginable. They cannot afford, transport, uniforms, or books.

Healings lives created the concept of open-air schools by taking the schools to these villages.

The concept is to set up open schools by using floor mats and build a tent or bamboo roof to shield from the sun and rain In an open area. It is a semi-permanent structure with blackboards, tables and plays areas. The concept is inexpensive and quick.

The HL teachers visit these schools 5 days a week and teach the children basic subjects- English, Hindi, regional language, Maths, Sciences and Art.

Assam – tribal / Adivasi children
  • HL school four times a week
  • Number of students – 95
  • Ages 4 to 14
  • Free uniforms, books, stationery and bags are provided.
  • Free meals as available.
Uttar Pradesh
  • HL School five days a week
  • Number of students – 135 to 140
  • Ages – 4 to 16 Primary and secondary Free uniforms, books, stationery And bags are provided Once a day meal is given
  • HL works in coordination with local village schools.
  • Built a new library In Nimgaon Bhogi
  • Provided around 400 school bags and 2000 notebooks to the local children
Overall HL has distributed around 1200 school bags, 1200 sets of uniforms, 3000 books, notebooks, and stationery for kids.
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