Farmer’s Training Center
Investing in the backbone – Our Farmers
Healing lives has launched a farmer training Center in Tandpur village Uttar Pradesh, India
HL supports the farming community in the remote villages of UP / MP the team works closely with the farmers in every aspect right from the water retention / irrigation facilities, seed banks and training to finally buying their crops and redistributing these crops to poorer villages.
HL has also set up a seed bank to give quality seeds to the farmers, built water retention ponds / dams and small lakes to help in cultivation during summer. This water is utilised through the dry season for far i by, livestock and hygiene purposes.
The team also provides farmer training for smart irrigation. When the crops are ready HL buys these crops directly from small farmers at the MSP These crops are then cleaned & packed by the villagers for which they are paid. These crops are then distributed in bags of Rice and Wheat to the poorer villages.